• Gardeners on the Rocks

    SUN CITY Lincoln Hills Garden Group - One of the oldest clubs at Lincoln Hills. Guided by a supportive and active Steering Committee, we offer monthly General Meetings with highly qualified speakers on all aspects of gardening. We sponsor Garden Shows (Bonsai, Flower and Rose), host a local Home Garden Tour, organize Plant Sales for Lincoln Civic Projects, and provide Field Trips, Socials, and Classes.

    Our purpose is to: Acquire knowledge about gardening techniques, stimulate interest in landscape projects, expose the membership to horticulture, and enjoy camaraderie among members.

    Join Us! Click Here

  • Bonsai Show - May 10 & 11, 2025

    The 2025 Bonsai Show will be May 10 & 11 in the Orchard Creek Foyer.

     Paul Lewis and Bud Soto are serving as Co-Chairs of the Bonsai Group, which meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 2pm, Kilaga Springs, Terra Cotta Room.

    They have both been involved with the group and have experience with bonsai methods that they have learned and shared through the years. Members bring their plants to work on, share tips, and discuss techniques. The Group has field trips, bonsai shows, and the monthly workshop to improve skills. All skill levels are welcome to join us at a meeting-beginners and/or interested members. Any member of the Garden Group is automatically included in this sub-group, no additional dues.

    Contact: Paul Lewis, 916-543-7361 or Bud Soto, 916-587-3385

  • Pictures from 2019 Bonsai Show (39)


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