• Gardeners on the Rocks

    SUN CITY Lincoln Hills Garden Group - One of the oldest clubs at Lincoln Hills. Guided by a supportive and active Steering Committee, we offer monthly General Meetings with highly qualified speakers on all aspects of gardening. We sponsor Garden Shows (Bonsai, Flower and Rose), host a local Home Garden Tour, organize Plant Sales for Lincoln Civic Projects, and provide Field Trips, Socials, and Classes.

    Our purpose is to: Acquire knowledge about gardening techniques, stimulate interest in landscape projects, expose the membership to horticulture, and enjoy camaraderie among members.

    Join Us! Click Here

  • Bulbs for Spring Color
    Free Workshop – Lincoln Library
    Saturday, 9/21 2:00-3:00pm
    Fall is bulb-planting season! A time for gardeners to project themselves into the future — specifically next spring. Anyone who wants clutches of tulips, clumps of hyacinths or dozens of daffodils in their spring garden must plan and plant in Fall. No advance signup required for this free workshop.
