SUN CITY Lincoln Hills Garden Group - One of the oldest clubs at Lincoln Hills. Guided by a supportive and active Steering Committee, we offer monthly General Meetings with highly qualified speakers on all aspects of gardening. We sponsor Garden Shows (Bonsai, Flower and Rose), host a local Home Garden Tour, organize Plant Sales for Lincoln Civic Projects, and provide Field Trips, Socials, and Classes.
Our purpose is to: Acquire knowledge about gardening techniques, stimulate interest in landscape projects, expose the membership to horticulture, and enjoy camaraderie among members.
Please join us on April 24th for the 2025 Garden Tour. This year's theme is "Gardening on the Rocks" and will feature 9 homes selected for their beauty, uniqueness, and adaptability to the environment in Sun City. Attendees will gain many ideas helpful in their own gardening.
We still need some volunteers who would be interested in helping with writing up the yard descriptions for the packets. The tour will take place 10am to 2pm. Packets with yard descriptions will be available for $5 each in the Orchid Creek (OC) Fitness Center Parking Lot from 9:45am to 11:15am on tour day. Cash only, exact change is appreciated. Plan to carpool if possible as some homes have limited parking.
Some greeter positions are still available for the Tour. The position requires a welcoming smile and to be helpful. You do not need to be a master gardener to volunteer for this. Assignments are in two-hour shifts from 9:45am to 12 noon and two hours from 12pm to 2pm. Benefits include a free pre-tour on April 23rd of all the homes on the tour, plus the opportunity to meet enthusiastic garden kindred souls. Please contact Diane Johnson at 916-803-5428.
For any questions, contact:
Joanne Barron
Chair, 2025 Garden Tour Planning Committee