• Gardeners on the Rocks

    SUN CITY Lincoln Hills Garden Group - One of the oldest clubs at Lincoln Hills. Guided by a supportive and active Steering Committee, we offer monthly General Meetings with highly qualified speakers on all aspects of gardening. We sponsor Garden Shows (Bonsai, Flower and Rose), host a local Home Garden Tour, organize Plant Sales for Lincoln Civic Projects, and provide Field Trips, Socials, and Classes.

    Our purpose is to: Acquire knowledge about gardening techniques, stimulate interest in landscape projects, expose the membership to horticulture, and enjoy camaraderie among members.

    Join Us! Click Here

  • Greetings to My Fellow Gardeners, April 11, 2023:

    This is truly a fun time of the year. There is so much going on with our group right now I wanted
    to send this extra message to hopefully help us schedule our days. Please see the attached
    flier for the specific events coming up that you can print out. I want to highlight them here
    in order of occurrence. Of course, you can find some of this info in the Compass and in the
    emails that Lorraine, our efficient Publicity Chairperson, sends to you regularly. Also, specifics
    for any of these programs are on our website: www.lhgardengroup.org

    Starting APRIL 20, we have the Garden Tour and this year we have eight exceptional gardens
    to view. We have an enthusiastic team of volunteers that will ensure an overall success.
    Thanks to each of them and, of course, to the homeowners who are working very hard to
    prepare for the BIG DAY.

    On APRIL 26 we are offering our next Field Trip and it is right here in our own community. A
    “Taco Truck of Nurseries” will be at OC parking lot April 26 from 10am to 1pm. I am anxious to
    see what plants they have to offer as their sales support a science education nonprofit. Lots
    more trips coming.

    There are also the Rose (4-29/30) and Bonsai (5-13/14) Shows that are always fun to share
    with our friends and neighbors. They each go for two days over a weekend so put the dates on
    your calendar and come see what is happening.!

    On May 2, our new program, Sustainable Gardening, will have the second workshop. Many of
    us in the Garden Group (GG) have been composting for many years and have first hand
    knowledge of how to do this miracle of composting (with and without worms) and creating rich,
    beautiful garden soil with our kitchen scraps and garden clippings. Our next workshop on May 2
    is in the Heights room at OC at 1pm. Many fun topics in the future.

    Our biggest fundraiser of the year is the Annual Plant Sale, May 20. Our team of volunteers
    makes this a most profitable endeavor and we expect to break records this year. You, of
    course, are welcome to donate plants and other garden items or just come and see what we
    have to offer our wonderful community (at really good prices).
    On May 25 at our next General Meeting “Farmer Fred” and Debbie Flower, two of our favorite
    speakers, will take on Container Gardening. Not to be missed. 2pm at Kilaga. Come early.
    June 5 is the day of our Spring Social, “Honey Bees and Hats”. It will be a fun luncheon for
    our members in the Secret Garden and always sells out. Get your tickets today!
    I hope this helps you schedule your days. Thanks again for your participation. Hope to see you
    at one or more of our events…

    Robin Ann Juhasz
    SCLH Garden Group President
    916 899-2382
